Services offered


A contract being legally uncritical does not mean it cannot harm you:

E.g. a FIDIC contract model is known to provide a basis that balances the interests of both buyer and seller. Yet, the selected model may not be adequate for the project, and the special conditions are taylormade and thus require special attention in any case. We can help to identify the risks on the practical side, and have you prepared for defending your position


If you supply to a country or big client (with own standards) that you have not before, we can help you determine the differences and specific conditions in regulations and standards which you will have to take into account.


Regarding your products and technology, you are the expert. But if you supply to a country, industry or big client (with own standards) that you have not before, we can help you to determine the differences and specific conditions you will have to take into account, and to adapt your engineering accordingly.


If you supply to a country or big client (with own standards) that you have not before, we can help you determine the differences and specific conditions you will have to take into account.